RMGT Dominates the 8-Up (36”/37”) Offset Press Market with 20th Install in 2017
With over 700 installations worldwide, RMGT is number-one in this key segment.
SOLON, OH — August 15, 2017 — RMGT is pleased to announce that Azar Printing, based in suburban St. Louis, Missouri will receive the 47th RMGT 9 Series sheet fed offset press purchased in North America, and joins more than 700 installations of this innovative press worldwide since its release in 2008. This also marks the 20th RMGT 9 Series press sold in North America in 2017. The RMGT 920PF-8+CC+LED-UV is also the first North American placement of a 9 Series in an 8-color, long perfector with LED UV curing and in-line coating configuration as well, making it a landmark installation for two significant reasons. This press will be exhibited at PRINT 17 in Chicago prior to being delivered to Azar Printing’s floor in late September.

The 9 Series press has proven to be the most productive press of its size in the market worldwide and especially here in North America where labor costs are high, competition is tough and settling for a de-featured press is not an option for printers who are keenly focused on profit. Not only has the RMGT 9 created a market segment that fits both emerging printing companies and larger more established firms, it has also displaced many less efficient 29 and 40-inch presses from competitive press manufacturers. “Practically every one of our RMGT 9 Series placements has replaced 1,2 and even 3 competitive presses, and our customers love their RMGT 9.” states Chris Manley, a founding member of the GSNA and President of Graphco.
The RMGT 9’s strong value proposition is one of the key deciding factors for most 9 Series owners; the 9 Series is the only 8-up, 16-page signature press that offers all the key automation, features and options available on new, larger presses, at a substantial cost savings when compared feature to feature. “In today’s tough market it’s imperative that printing companies bring as much technology as possible onto their shop floor so when companies like Azar Printing and Metzgers invested in their long perfectors they added Fully Automatic Plate Changing, LED UV and many other efficiency enhancing features.” says Derek Gordon, Graphco’s Midwest Regional Manager. This is why the RMGT 9 Series has become the press of choice for printers who want the lowest cost to print while maintaining outstanding quality on an incredibly durable platform.
“It is so productive and versatile that we have started moving some of our digital work back to offset for our shorter runs.” stated Daniel Salazar of PSA Print and Mail in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. “And with the added value of the LED-UV instant curing technology, the 9 Series press is not only environmentally friendly, but also allow curing on all substrates, improving work efficiency, reducing power consumption, and eliminating warping of film and other heat-sensitive media. It is great that we can offer our customers these added benefits, which in turn helps their companies grow and expand as well.”
“It is safe to say that the RMGT 9 Series press is one of the most innovative offset presses in the world right now,” said Kian Hemmen of PFS which is one of the founders of the Graphic Systems North America distribution group for RMGT. “It can do anything a conventional offset press can do, in a smaller footprint, and with more profitability. In short, it is the offset press every modern print shop needs to stay competitive as the world — and it’s print requirements — continues to change.”